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Call us at 631-331-0215 or fill out the form, and one of our experts will get back to you shortly.
The VMP™/ VMP-W is Fulton’s Vertical Multi-Port boiler. Rugged, robust, and reliable vertical tubeless design with a pressure vessel thickness 30% greater than ASME requirements and heavy-walled schedule 80 flue pipes.
The VMP/ VMP-W boiler is available in multiple fuels as well as features and options to ensure maximum seasonal efficiency.
The Rugged tubeless design allows the VMP/ VMP-W to have exceptional value over the lifetime of the boiler, with fuel to steam efficiencies up to 84%, steam quality greater than 99%, and linkageless controls with turndowns up to 8:1.
Call us at 631-331-0215 or fill out the form, and one of our experts will get back to you shortly.
We offer custom prefabricated engineered assemblies (packaged skids and enclosures) with the purchase of any boiler, heating, cooling or water system. Manufactured in the USA, these military-grade platforms deliver stability, portability, protection and a smaller footprint for large-scale industrial equipment.