Pressure Reducing Valves (With Built-in Separator and Trap)

TLV Pressure Reducing Valve COS Series
TLV Pressure Reducing Valve COS Series
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TLV Pressure Reducing Valves COS Series (With Built-in Separator and Trap)

COSPECT®’s built-in strainer, Super Cyclonical Effects Separator (SCE) and Free Float® steam trap help prevent scale, rust and condensate from entering the pressure reducing valve (PRV) or reaching the important interior parts.

In particular, the cyclone separator forcibly removes 98% of the condensate from the flow at the inlet side, thereby greatly reducing condensate-induced erosion of parts such as the main valve.

While the standard service life of a PRV for steam is often less than a few years, many TLV COSPECT® users are still using their COSPECT® PRVs more than 10 years after installation. Such long service life is a testimony to COSPECT®’s effectiveness in countering scale and condensate, some of the most common sources of problems for PRVs in steam systems.

Recommended for processes requiring steam at a stable pressure and processes such as atomizers in which steam comes into direct contact with the product.

Application Areas:

  • Reactor kettles,
  • Dryers,
  • Heat exchangers,
  • Presses,
  • Steamers
  • Blowers
  • Atomizers, etc.
Downloadable Documents
TLV COSPECT Pressure Reducing Valves Brochure

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